Great song here! Currently working on a large geometry dash collab level with around 15 people using this song.
Edit: If you actually do want in DM me on discord my user is just beeply
Great song here! Currently working on a large geometry dash collab level with around 15 people using this song.
Edit: If you actually do want in DM me on discord my user is just beeply
3 years later, still art
Somehow the corruption to the song makes it more incredible to listen to
I think I just listened to the birth of the universe or something
Amazing song here 🔥
Really good sounding, wish i could use in gd though.
you poor little sunshine
really good actualy
Came for the cat but stayed for the wall
nice song! are your songs whitelisted for GD, or have external uses been turned off?
External API use is turned on, but the song can't be used in GD until its officially added to the whitelist, which I can't do much about.
Every day I sink "INTN" the void? What is an intn?
Ignoring that, The song is as amazing as usual! keep doing what you are doing.
it was supposed to be "into", but we decided to leave it that way just for fun
wow, this came out nice! i think i remember hearing this in "scrapyard".
You're a real one for remembering it's inclusion in Scrapyard!! Thanks so so much <3
Joined on 3/3/23